
Cleaning of the laptop (LC5505D).

   I cleaned the laptop inside (LC5505D).
   This PC is an NEC product and my previous server machine. I use it as a temporary server. Yes, temporary, but the fact that I used it from 2012.Apr.14 to 2013.Aug.01 (he-he). Now, I use this PC instead of an old Elite II Elite-4 (a cybernet product called Keyboard PC) in my living room. Recently, I heard uncomfortable fun noise from it. So, I decided to clean it up yesterday.

  1. First remove the main battery. And, remove four screws. (Fig. 1)
  2. Turn upside down. Slide and remove the palmrest assembly carefully (Fig. 2), because the other side of the palmrest has a touchpad ribbon cable (Fig. 3).
  3. Remove the keyboard panel. Carefully, because it also has a ribbon cable (Fig.3).
  4. Finally, I meet the dusty fun (Fig 4). Ha-ha.

(Fig. 4) Dusty fun
(Fig. 4) Dusty fun

   I cleaned the pc inside up. If you try the same thing, wash your hands first. If you use a vacuum cleaner or something, take precautions against static electricity!!

   After cleaning, I feel something better about the pc. It’s just my imagination??? (^_^;)

   By the way, I pasted the Google AdSense code on the left sidebar. But, it shows ADs in Japanese. How can I change it into English? My sites run on sub directory type. I have not found out “HowTo” yet.

(Fig. 1) Remove screws
(Fig. 1) Remove screws

(Fig. 2) Slide the palmrest assembly
(Fig. 2) Slide the palmrest assembly

(Fig. 3) Ribbon cables
(Fig. 3) Ribbon cables

Upgrading to WordPress 3.7.

Update information      Edit    Edit2(Nov.5)    Edit3(2014.Jun.22)

   Today, Japanese WordPress develop members announced they brought the new Japanese version WordPress for us, according to the Codex for Version 3.7, there are tons of changes.

   My WordPress is a multisite type and the parent site language is English. Probably for this reason, the WordPress Updates page does not show me the Japanese version update message.

   So, I downloaded manually and upgraded.

   In the wp-includes folder, I found a certificates folder which contained a ca-bundle.crt. The ca-bundle.crt is for the below.
  ## ca-bundle.crt — Bundle of CA Root Certificates
  ## Certificate data from Mozilla as of: Sat Dec 29 20:03:40 2012
  ## This is a bundle of X.509 certificates of public Certificate Authorities
  ## (CA). These were automatically extracted from Mozilla’s root certificates
  ## file (certdata.txt). This file can be found in the mozilla source tree:
  ## It contains the certificates in PEM format and therefore
  ## can be directly used with curl / libcurl / php_curl, or with
  ## an Apache+mod_ssl webserver for SSL client authentication.
  ## Just configure this file as the SSLCACertificateFile.

   I have no error about this upgrade, but I have a warning about the site “o6asan’s netradi” like the below.

  Warning! Problem updating https://MySiteName. Your server may not be able to connect
  to sites running on it. Error message: SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in
  certificate chain

   But I can log in the site. About using “SSL certificate: self signed certificate in certificate chain”, my sites are all in the same condition. But, on the site, I use a streaming server. I think the warning happens due to this situation. As pointed out above, the new version of WordPress gives us “Bundle of CA Root Certificates”, so, should I make a new certificate by it? I don’t get it exactly. If someone knows about the warning, please tell me in detail.

   Anyway, I completed the upgrade.

   I slightly concern about one of the new features of version 3.7 that is automatic updates for maintenance and security updates. But I think it’s probably O.K. because the automatic updates are only for maintenance and security updates. There are no differences between JP version and global version about such minor update. Am I right?

   I wrote a new article about the ca-bundle.crt.

   By the way, if you have the “Warning! Problem updating https://SITENAME. Your server may not be able to connect to sites running on it. Error message: SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain.“, please try Oiram’s workaround (PDF version).

   I wrote an article The solution of “SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake failure” on WordPress.


Updating to PHP5.5.5.


   At Oct-17 00:30:06UTC, they released PHP5.5.5.

   According to ( ChangeLog ), it fixes about twenty bugs against PHP 5.5.4, some of them regarding the build system.

   I downloaded a Thread Safe version for my server (Windows7HP+SP1(x86)). It requires VC11. If you don’t have VC11 on your Windows, you must install vcredist_x__.exe before the PHP configuration.

   The text in the file php.ini-production is no changed except adding a comment line “; This is php.ini-production INI file.”.

   As the official PHP binary includes php5apache2_4.dll, I extract the zip archive and replace all PHP5.5.4 files with all PHP5.5.5 files except my php.ini. Then, I restart my Apache. That’s it.

   If you need how to configure PHP5.5, please see the post. It is for a mbstrings user, but the information gives some help for you.

everyday life

Tonight is another “Otsukimi”, but…

   Hi, guys!! Tonight, we have another “Otsukimi”. We call it “Nochi no tsuki (後の月)”, and hold it at the night of September 13 by our old calendar (旧暦). But, this event gets very old-fashioned than “中秋の名月” on August 15.

   I saw a beautiful moon at that night. However, today cloudy. I was waiting, waiting and waiting. Finally, I was able to take a picture of the moon which broke through the clouds. Still, it was covered with thin clouds though.

   Every year, I want to achieve that I see the both moon on August 15 and September 13, but I can seldom do it. This year, can I say I saw the both moon? I wonder.

private remark

Totsuki Tōka (十月十日).

   In Juuni Kokuki, Ono sensei writes the pregnancy duration is ten months. This depends on not only lunar months but also counting from 1 instead of 0. In Juuni Kokuki world, they often use East Asian age reckoning system about characters’ age. So, I think they use old Japanese counting system in other ways as well.

   When we read 十月十日 as Jūgatsu Tōka, which means October 10. But, Totsuki Tōka (十月十日) means ten months and ten days, and also means the normal pregnancy duration. Sometimes, today’s Japanese people say it is longer than the true pregnancy duration. But I don’t think so.

   I will write my opinion about this, though a lot of texts about it already exist on the Internet. The opinion is not academic but experiential. Shall we start?

   First, you think of yourself as a Japanese woman who lived in more than 150 years ago.
   She doesn’t know her ovulation days and doesn’t have thermometers nor pregnancy self test kits. She uses a traditional Japanese lunar-solar calendar, so in her mind a month basically has 29 or 30 days alternately.

   If she is in such circumstances, how does she know her pregnancy by herself? Probably, by her morning sickness or by missing her period. When she has got her pregnancy, she would recall her last period. If she is a healthy woman, the last period should be within a few months when she knew her pregnancy. And then, she counts months of her pregnancy. At this time, she must think the first day of her last period as the first day of the pregnancy. And she thinks the month is the first month of the pregnancy.

   According to counting system from 1 instead of 0, Totsuki Tōka (十月十日) is approximately 280 days. For example, imagine the first day of her last period is October 13. October is the first month by counting from 1 instead of 0. Then the tenth month is July and July 23 is her expected delivery date. As pointed out above, in the old Japanese calendar, a month basically has 29 or 30 days alternately.

   Now, we try to calculate the number of days from October 13 to July 23.
   It is 29 days x 4 + 30 days x 5 + 10 days = 276 days or 29 days x 5 + 30 days x 4 + 10 days = 275 days.
   This is very close to 280 days.

   As you know, the pregnancy duration is vary considerably from person to person. So, Totsuki Tōka (十月十日) was a very practical and useful way in the past.