everyday life

Rhododendrons of the mountain (2014).


   Yesterday, very sunny. I went and saw blooming rhododendrons (シャクナゲ) to the mountain again. The garden is named Hikosan Kaen (英彦山花園).

   I found the blooming rhododendrons and others in and out of the garden. Beautiful!! I also saw a skink – it’s a Japanese five-lined skink(ニホントカゲ). Don’t you think it’s so cute? Is the person like me who thinks it’s cute strange? He-he. I also visited Hōheiden (奉幣殿) and got Omikuji (お御籤) as usual.

   I’ll show you some photos I took yesterday.

Fig.1 Rhododendrons and Kerrias
Fig.1 Rhododendrons and Kerrias
Fig.2 Rhododendrons
Fig.2 Rhododendrons
Fig.3 A carpenter bee on duty
Fig.3 A carpenter bee on duty
Fig.4 Primulas
Fig.4 Primulas
Fig.5 Spring color of leaves
Fig.5 Spring color of leaves
Fig.6 Camellia
Fig.6 Camellia
Fig.7 Double-flowered cherry blossoms
Fig.7 Double-flowered cherry blossoms
Fig.8 Japanese five-lined skink
Fig.8 Japanese five-lined skink
Fig.9 Mulan magnolia
Fig.9 Mulan magnolia
Fig.10 San no torii
Fig.10 San no torii
Fig.11 Spring color of leaves in the mountains
Fig.11 Spring color of leaves in the mountains
Fig.12 Dōdan tsutsuji
Fig.12 Dōdan tsutsuji

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