everyday life

Happy New Year!

   Happy New Year! It is the beginning of a new year.

   This is the year of Hebi, according to the Oriental Zodiac.

   We call ‘hebi’ ‘snake’ in English. I don’t like a real snake (-_-;). But, the snake on the right image is cute, right?

   I wish you guys a Happy New Year.

   Gods bless you, guys!


4 replies on “Happy New Year!”

Happy New Year, Delonix!!
Though your time is still 8:43p.m., isn’t it?

Yesterday, it was snowing all day, but today it’s a clear day.

Thanks! Now it’s 2013 here as well =).
I’ve never seen snow, it must be pretty interesting, although I guess that snowing all day can’t be that pretty.
By the way I just noticed that the snow on your website moves to left or the right depending on where the mouse is.
Best wishes on the year. Pretty snake too.
Take care.


> Now it’s 2013 here as well =).

We live in the opposite side of the earth and have 13.5 hours as our time difference. (^^)

> I guess that snowing all day can’t be that pretty.

Not so bad. I feel it’s pretty because I don’t have a lot of snow in my place, so I’m excited when snowing still now. My town is not in the heavy snow area of Japan and I have only two or three times of a little snow piling during a winter. I took moving images of the snow falling in my place on 2012 Feb. 8th. Please take a look. Not good images but like this.

> the snow on your website moves to left or the right depending on where the mouse is.

Yeah, yeah. I thank the plugin author who made this amusing one.

I wish you the happy year, too.

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