
To create a Wamp-like Web Server in Windows7-#4.


   Continued from my last post.

Enabled SSL.

  1. Copy cacert.pem, server.crt, server.key to the Apache conf directory.

    If you need how to make these three files, please see WordPress: Administration Over SSL #1.

    I think a cmd.exe on a Windows7 recognizes both slashes(/) and backslashes() in a openssl.cnf. Maybe, you need not use “” in the openssl.cnf when you customize it. On a Windows7, you can see a openssl.cnf as a openssl.conf instead of openssl, a file type “SpeedDial”. Ha-ha-ha.

  2. Customize the file httpd-ssl.conf in the Apache extra conf directory.
    If you need how to customize, please see WordPress: Administration Over SSL #1.
  3. Customize the file httpd.conf.
    If you need how to customize, please see WordPress: Administration Over SSL #1.
  4. Control Panel >> Administrative tools >> Windows Firewall with Advanced Security >> Inbound Rules
    Add the port 443 to “Apache HTTP Server”.

    By the way, if you accept about the port alert from your Windows Firewall, the rules are created automatically. But they seem too looser for the Web Server wares. At “Windows Firewall with Advanced Security” you can strictly set up them. So, you should use this advanced feature.

  5. Restart the Apache.

   Mission Complete!

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