everyday life

桃の節句 (peach festival) passing.


   The ume (梅) blossoms are still in full bloom in my garden (fig.1 white, fig.2 red), but I can see peach and apricot blossoms here and there in my town after 桃の節句 (peach festival) (fig.3 ひな飾り by Tirol-Choco, it’s a chocolate box (^o^). ).

fig.1 white
fig.1 white
fig.2 red
fig.2 red
fig.3 ひな飾り
fig.3 ひな飾り

   All told, I wanted to recite one of spring poems and chose 春風 (Spring wind) by 白居易(樂天). How do you feel?

亦 薺 櫻 一
道 花 杏 枝
春 楡 桃 先
風 莢 梨 發
爲 深 次 苑
我 村 第 中
來 裏 開 梅

  • Rough translation of the poem
    Spring wind makes one of the buds on a branch of Ume tree break in the imperial garden
    Cherry, apricot, peach and pear following
    It opens shepherd’s purse flowers and rustles shells of elm fruits in my village nearby mountains
    It makes me happy because I also have the spring wind

   If you read the poem, read top to bottom and right to left.

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