everyday life

Power outage???

Update information      Edit(Dec.13)

   When I got up and was going to have my breakfast, the rice was Not ready. I wondered I forgot to set its timer, but the rice cooker was slightly warm. I think we had the unexpected power outage in the early morning. My rice cooker does not have the feature that it continues to cook after the power coming back.

   I turned on the rice cooker immediately.

   After breakfast, I found I was unable to access the Internet. I have no UPS, so my sever machine has been powered off since the outage happened (← Sorry, I didn’t find about my server down for a while). But, even if my server is down, I can access the Internet. I checked my broadband router. It could not return to the normal condition. I set it up again.

   Now(9:16a.m.), I made everything back. Happy!!

   We had another power outage in the early morning. So my server was being down for about two hours before I had found it m(_”_)m.

   I heard the electric power company think they were small grounding faults. Something like between electric wires and trees. But, they tell they have not confirm the place the faults occurred, yet. Hence, I might have other outages at an early date (sigh).


About the ca-bundle.crt of WordPress3.7.x.

Update information      Edit(2014.Jan.30)    Edit2(May.6)    Edit3(Jun.22)

   I wrote something about the ca-bundle.crt of WordPress3.7.x on the post.

   About it, Oiram gave me A useful information. If you get the same issue “Warning! Problem updating https://SITENAME. Your server may not be able to connect to sites running on it. Error message: SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain.“, read the article “Error upgrading WordPress (SSL)”, and do his workaround.

   Thinking back now, in my case, there were some differences from his case. Even now, I do not use his workaround. My SSL certificate system works well after updating to WordPress3.7.1. This time updating did not give me any warnings.

   My server environment is very unique, so, I might have got the issue was slightly different from his.

   Still now, I have two questions.

  1. Why did WordPress ver.3.7 give me the warning about one site only in spite of there were a parent and three child sites on the same WordPress multisite?
    About the setting of the ca-bundle.crt, I found out in the class-http.php. This should have the same effect on all of my sites. Why did one site only have the warning?
  2. Do I need to use Oiram’s workaround though my SSL system works well?

   Since January 3rd, I cannot access to the Oiram’s site. For a few people googling by the word “ca-bundle.crt” and reaching here, I uploaded the PDF version of Oiram’s workaround. 「Error upgrading WordPress (SSL)

   Today, I can access to the the Oiram’s site after a very long interval.

   I wrote an article The solution of “SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake failure” on WordPress.

everyday life

Something wrong?

   In the morning, I had nothing wrong, when I did it. But I did it again around 1 p.m., I had a trouble. What did I do? I wanted to receive my mails from

   After entering Yahoo!-ID and Passwort, I clicked [Anmelden] button. Sooner I got the warning page.

   So, I changed my Passwort.

   On Yahoo! DEUTSCHLAND, something wrong happened?? Does someone have any information?


My calendar-#2.

   As you guys probably noticed, my blog calendar did not display the date of posts since my having upgraded PHP 5.3.x to PHP 5.4.x. I always used the same type calendar when I had built my blog with Movable Type 4.x. I did not change it when I became to use WordPress. But now, I have to quit to use it? Oh, my.

   Though I asked for the plugin author to fix this issue, I do not have any reply until now. I gave up to use my old calendar, and sought for the similar calendar i.e. one-line calendar. And I found. Voila!!

   Thanks a lot, さかなさん.

everyday life

That is the question.

   I’m very confused these days. What? It’s about spam comments on /. This is a spam or not, that is the question. ;P

   Yesterday, I had a comment, and it was difficult to determine whether the comment was a spam or not. Though I installed Akismet, it reported it was not a spam and I also felt it wasn’t a spam from its contents. But when I examined it, it seemed a spam.

   Very confused.

   I determined to install a CAPTCHA Code feature for my comment form on /. I chose the plugin ‘SI Captcha Options’. Does it make a difference?


Finally, crashes have gone, wow.

   Recently, I had a hard time with Apache 2.4.2 restarts caused by php5ts.dll crashes. They began to happen when I updated PHP from 5.3.10 to 5.4.0. Not only I but also others have reported this trouble on
   Yesterday I noticed PHP 5.4.1 released, so I updated from 5.4.0 to 5.4.1. PHP 5.4.1 has a lot of bugs fixed. Always, PHP has many bugs. PHP 5.4.0 is also like other PHP, hehe. After PHP 5.4.1 coming to my server, I have no crashes for these 30 hours.

   I’m sooooooo happy. Wow.


My server down.

   I upgraded to PHP5.4.0 on Apr. 11. After this, I’ve been troubled by Apache restart caused by php5ts.dll crash. And, yesterday, my server pc power went out though I don’t know why. I restarted the server a few times, but the power went out every time before I knew.

   So, my site was down during most of today. I made a laptop pc a temporary server, and now my site is revived.

   I quit to use php5.4.0 again. It is my headache. I think its trouble may have caused the server PC trouble. Don’t you think so?


How to use Ajax Edit Comments v5.0.7.0

Update  Edit(Feb.7)  Edit2(2013.Jan.12)

   Today, I made it. Thanks juneさん.

   Now I’m going to talk about ‘How to use Ajax Edit Comments v5.0.7.0’. 🙂

  1. Install Ajax Edit Comments v5.0.7.0. But, when you finish installing it, you never activate it immediately.
  2. Access your server by FTP client software.
  3. Make directory ‘aec’ under /wp-content/uploads and change its permission to ‘707’ or ‘777’.
  4. Activate the plugin from your Dashboard.
    You need 7 files in your ‘aec’ directory, admin.js, edit-comments.css, ajax-edit-comments.js, comment-editor.css, frontend.js, popups.js and index.php. At this point, only two files exist there, admin.js and edit-comments.css.
    When you click ‘Update Settigs’ bottun on the AEC setting page, other 4 files are created.
    About index.php you have to make it manually, and write in it   ‘<?php // Silence is golden.’.
  5. About 6 files are created automatically, their owner is server and they are unwritable. If you use shell or something, change owner and permission by it.
  6. If you can’t use such tools, follow the next steps.
  7. Access your server by FTP client software.
  8. Download directory ‘aec’ and remove it.
  9. Remake directory ‘aec’ under /wp-content/uploads and change its permission to ‘707’ or ‘777’.
  10. Reupload 6 files, admin.js, edit-comments.css, ajax-edit-comments.js, comment-editor.css, frontend.js, popups.js and change their permission to ‘606’ or ‘666’.
    Upload index.php to directory ‘aec’.

   That’s it. Good luck. ;-P

   We still have two errors, ‘Stack overflow at line: 2’ from IE8 and ‘too much recursion’ from FireFox 9.0.1. But the plugin works in a sort.

   I almost forgot to write. When you try other versions, you’d better clear your browser cache. Or, you don’t get new effects well.

   NOTE) When you change the permission of directory/file, you may need some minutes to take effect.

   I think v5.0.7.0.’s trouble has roots in owner and permission of the directory ‘aec’. Why do I think so? Because, on my own server, whose OS is WindowsXp Professional Sp3, the plugin works. As we know, WindowsXp server has poor owner and permission managements. And most people say the older version works and it does not have the directory ‘aec’.

   At any rate, v5.0.7.0. is not a WordPress plugin, I think. A WordPress plugin is easy to install and easy to activate. Soon you can use it. That’s a WordPress plugin.

   I sent an email about this to the support team the day before yesterday. I’ve not had a reply yet. I wonder I’ll have a good news. I hope so. I love this plugin. If I give up it, it’s a shame for it.

   Also, both older and new version have an error, ‘Stack overflow at line: 2’ from IE and ‘too much recursion’ from FireFox. Most of people are unaware of it in normal use. But it’s for real. It is probably from some JavaScript codes, I want to fix it if they can.

   Ver. has been released today. I think you can install and use it easily.


Memorandum #1.

   This morning I couldn’t access ‘o6asan’s soliloquy.’ All my sites exist on A WordPress3.2.1 network, and other two my sites I could. So, ‘What’s wrong with ‘o6asan’s soliloquy.’?’, I thought.

   I thought some ways to resolve this. First, I logged on ‘phpMyAdmin’. I optimized and repaired all tables. Though I concerned I would need several steps, after this the trouble disappeared.

   Now, I’m happy. (^_^)

everyday life

Server down.

   Last night (actually it was after midnight, so I should say ‘tonight’, though) my server on XREA+ was down.
   According to XREA+ admin report, it was from 00:10a.m. to 01:60a.m. — What is ’01:60′? A written mistake of ’01:06′ by human or an error of ’02:00′ by a program. Which? — It has been the first time since I started to use the server, but I found there was a previous failure report on July 07.

   Though its cause is not written, its resolution took about an hour, so it is probably O.K., I think. I wonder this frequency is no problem?

   It’s time to bring back my site to on my home server, but very busy my offline life now, so I still can’t get into. (´д`ι)